Report to:

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Date of meeting:


15 July 2024


Director of Communities, Economy and Transport



Petition: Zebra crossing in Green Street, Eastbourne



To consider a petition for a zebra crossing, bollards and repairs to the road surface in Green Street, Eastbourne


RECOMMENDATIONS: The Lead Member is recommended to advise petitioners that:

(1)  A potential scheme to implement a zebra crossing in Green Street between Caffe Corro and Cheriton Court has been assessed through our approved High Level Sift process and is not a priority for the County Council at the present time; and

(2)  Green Street will be assessed as part of this year’s prioritisation process for potential inclusion in the 2025/26 Community Focussed Safety Scheme programme.

(3)  A request for bollards to be installed in the footway between the Post Office and the end of the parade of shops has been considered however, it is not appropriate for this location.

(4)  Areas of the carriageway in Green Street have been reported to East Sussex Highways to inspect and action as appropriate.


1       Background Information

1.1.        At the County Council Full Council meeting on 7 May 2024, a petition was presented to the chairman by Councillor Ungar on behalf of a group of concerned members of the public. The group are requesting a zebra crossing in Green Street, between Caffe Corro and Cheriton Court. They are also requesting that bollards are installed in the footway on the south-western side, between the Post Office and the end of that parade of shops and that repairs are carried out to the road surface in Green Street.

1.2           A copy of the petition is available in the Members’ Room. Standing Orders provide that where the Chair considers it appropriate, petitioners are considered by the relevant Committee or Lead Member and a spokesperson for the petitioners is invited to address the Committee. The Chairman has referred this petition to the Lead Member for Transport and Environment.


2     Supporting Information

2.1.        Green Street is covered by a 30mph speed limit, as indicated by the system of street lighting in the road. Cheriton Court, the Post Office and Caffe Corro are located on the south-western side of Green Street, between its junctions with Victoria Drive and Chamberlain Road. A location plan can be found at Appendix 1.

2.2.        Green Street is an unclassified road, with a high level of frontage development. The northern-most end is primarily shops, known as Albert Parade. There is a pedestrian dropped kerb at the south-eastern end of Albert Parade outside Cheriton Court and Trident restaurant.  Time limited parking bays are provided on the north-east side of the road and south-western side of the road is covered by a single yellow line prohibiting parking between 8am and 6pm Monday – Saturdays. Site photos can be found at Appendix 2.

2.3.        Crash data supplied by Sussex Police for the 3-year period up to 30 April 2024 shows that there have been two crashes resulting in personal injury in Green Street, between Victoria Drive and Chamberlain Road. None of these crashes involved pedestrians or mounting the footway on the south-west side of Green Street. A plan showing the location of these crashes can be found at Appendix 3.

2.4.        The County Council has a limited amount of funding to develop local transport improvements and needs to ensure that resources are targeted to those schemes which will be of greatest benefit to local communities. To help prioritise the numerous requests received for improvements, a process was developed to determine which schemes should be funded through the Integrated Transport Programme.

2.5.        A request for a zebra crossing in Green Street, between Caffe Corro and Cheriton Court, Eastbourne has been assessed to determine if it might be a priority for future consideration; however, it did not achieve the benchmark score to be taken forward at this time.

2.6.        The Road Safety Team have an allocation of funding to deliver community focussed road safety interventions over a 3-year period. This funding has been provided to enable the team to address sites where there may not be a significant and/or sustained history of crashes, but where concerns have been raised by the local community. The types of measures considered under the Community Focussed Road Safety Programme (CFRSP) are small scale measures such as improvements to existing dropped kerb crossing facilities. Whilst a zebra crossing would be outside the scope of the CFRSP, Green Street will be assessed to identify if any other measures could be introduced to address the petitioners’ concerns.

2.7.        A request for bollards to be installed in the footway between the Post Office and the end of that parade of shops has been considered, however bollards are not designed as vehicle restraint systems. In addition to this, vehicles can legitimately park on this side of the road between 6pm and 8am Monday – Saturdays and all-day Sundays and the provision of bollards in the footway would restrict vehicles from doing so.

2.8.        A site visit by Senior Traffic and Safety Officers identified some areas of carriageway that require further inspection for maintenance such as deteriorating road surface and faded road markings. These have been reported to East Sussex Highways who will determine whether these areas meet the agreed intervention levels and what action will be taken.


3     Conclusion and Reasons for Recommendations

3.1.        It is recommended that the petitioners be advised that the provision of a zebra crossing, between Caffe Corro and Cheriton Court, in Green Street is not a priority for the County Council at the present time. However, Green Street will be assessed as part of this year’s prioritisation process for potential inclusion in the 2025/26 Community Focussed Road Safety programme. It is also recommended that the petitioners are advised that the request for bollards to be installed in the footway between the Post Office and the end of the parade of shops has been considered however, it has not been deemed appropriate for the reasons given above. A number of carriageway maintenance items have been reported to East Sussex Highways to carry out and inspection and action as appropriate.



Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Contact Officer: Clare Akehurst
Tel. No. 01323 463402 Email:


LOCAL MEMBERS Councillor John Ungar